Upcomming Events

Past Events

January 25, 2025 - Free Try-It-Day

This was our first event at the new North East Regional Park and even though Mother Nature did not do us any favours with the snow conditions, we saw dozens if people have the opportunity to try cross country skiing for the first time.  A great big thank you goes out to the fantastic volunteers that came out to share their time and for COOP for supplying the great cookies for the event.  Pictures coming shortly.

February 17, 2024 - Free Try-It-Day

This was our first event as a new club and was a great success seeing over 60 people trying out the Chinook Winds Loop with free ski equipment.  A great big thank you goes out to the Foothills Nordic Ski Club for loaning the cross country ski equipment and the fantastic volunteers that came out to share their time.